Download the information app for VinciCasa (Vinci Casa) which displays all the draws, winning odds and prize money for the competition.You will be able to check your winnings by scanning the QR Code on the gaming receipt and save your bets.HOMEThe latest VinciCasa draw (Vinci Casa) is present, the number of houses won and the statistics of frequent and late numbers.VINCICASA DRAWINGSYou can access the entire historical archive of VinciCasa (Vinci Casa) with the relevant details on the winning odds divided by category.CHECK VINCICASA WINNINGSIt is possible to check your winnings by scanning the QR Code on the gaming receipt or by entering the code on the ticketVINCICASA STATISTICSThere are frequent numbers, late numbers and the maximum delay for each numberVINCICASA FAVORITE NUMBERSYou can save as many combinations as you want and check which numbers have been drawn by comparing your numbers with the entire historical archive.LUCKY NUMBERS WINNING HOUSEDont know what numbers to choose? By pressing the "Generate" button you can generate from 1 to 10 numbers and if you deem it appropriate you can save this combination among your "Favorite numbers".SAVED SCHEDULES VINCICASAYou will be able to save your betting slips so you can check them even if you dont have your betting slip with youTHE GAME IS FORBIDDEN TO MINORS AND MAY CAUSE PATHOLOGICAL ADDICTION.DisclaimerThe information contained in this app is provided without any guarantee of completeness, correctness, or any other kind, implicit or explicit, and users are therefore invited to verify the same on the and/or www.aams website. of this app agree to access its contents at their own risk.The owner of the app will not be liable for any damage incurred in connection with this app.The app owner has verified the information provided by these third-party sites to the best of his knowledge and with professional diligence.The links are available for the users convenience and do not imply approval of the owner of the site or their content.The owner of the app will not be liable for the availability and content of such third-party sites or for any damages or injuries resulting from their use.Giochi24 S.r.l. Concession no. 15035.Gambling can cause pathological addiction. Game prohibited for children under 18 years of age.Check the odds of winning on